Pabbly Subscription Billing provides a payment form, allowing merchants to rapidly initiate collections. This approach becomes particularly useful for those who wish to extend the customization of their payment forms beyond the capabilities of the CHIP Payment Link module.
In this article, we will guide you through the process of integrating CHIP Collect with Pabbly Subscription Billing.
Necessary Prerequisites
In this guide, we’ll explain how to self-host your integration of CHIP Collect with Pabbly Subscription Billing. Here’s what you’ll need:
- Domain name
- Web hosting (PHP, MySQL/MariaDB database)
1. Installation Process
First, download the PHP script from the following link:

After downloading, extract the zip file and upload it to your web hosting. Ensure that the directory is publicly accessible.
Next, rename the file ‘auth-sample.php’ to ‘auth.php’ and proceed to modify it.

In the ‘auth.php’ file, adjust the following configurations:
PABBLY_API_KEY: Insert your Pabbly API Key
PABBLY_API_SECRET: Input your Pabbly API Secret
CHIP_SECRET_KEY: Enter your CHIP Secret Key
CHIP_BRAND_ID: Fill in your CHIP Brand ID
DB_NAME: Indicate your Database Name
DB_USER: Specify your Database Username
DB_PASSWORD: Put in your Database Password
DB_HOST: Provide your Database Host URL
INSTALLATION_URL: Give the Script Installation URL
You don’t need to execute a migration for the database schema. It will be created automatically upon the first purchase attempt.

Note: You can obtain the Pabbly API Key and Pabbly API Secret from Pabbly Subscription Settings >> API Settings.

2. Configuration Process
Start by navigating to ‘Pabbly Subscription >> Settings >> Payment Gateway Integration’.
In the list of payment methods, select ‘Custom’ and click the ‘Connect Now’ button.

Next, provide the ‘Gateway Name’ as FPX/Visa/Mastercard (based on your available payment methods) and the ‘Gateway URL’ (dependent on your domain name and directory name).
Once all fields are filled, click on the ‘Submit’ button.

3. Integration is Ready

With all settings in place, your Pabbly Subscription form is now fully integrated with CHIP Collect.
Key Points to Remember
- Integration of Pabbly Subscription Billing with CHIP Collect is feasible.
- Two methods are available for integration: through a Self-hosted script or via Pabbly Connect.
- This guide primarily focuses on integration via the self-hosted script method, specifically designed by CHIP.
Recommended related topic
Read: CHIP Collect – Webhooks: automate your sales workflows
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